Estate Planning & Administration

As your estate planning advisor, we can help ensure that you will be cared for by those you trust during your most vulnerable times, and that your life’s labors will be protected and given to your loved ones after you die. Our experienced team will build your estate plan tailored to your needs. Whether you want something minimal or sophisticated, we can guide you to your perfect plan.

Appointing your Agents, under a valid Durable General Power of Attorney and Health Care Power of Attorney, will ensure that people you trust will have legal authority to direct decisions and access information and resources if you become disabled. Without a legally appointed agent, you could be left vulnerable and without the immediate help you need.

Ensuring that the rewards of your life’s labor go to those you want can be complicated. If your wishes are not clearly explained and written, then taxes, court fees, lawyer’s fees, funeral costs, greedy family members, and other waste can get in the way of your intended goal. A properly prepared and executed Last Will and Testament leaves no doubts about your wishes.

Not just for “wealthy” people, trusts are tools used to accomplish a large range of goals, for example: avoid court-supervised estate administration (sometimes incorrectly referred to as “probate”); ensure property is protected from divorce, substance abuse, or spendthrift beneficiaries; provide a secured pool of property for loved ones receiving certain benefits (e.g.: Medicaid), and more. Trusts are versatile estate planning tools that can save money, time, and frustration for you and your loved ones.

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